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Boot Camp for Holiday Harmony: Surviving Seasonal Stress 101!

Tis the season for non-stop chaos and stress, but ironically, December transforms us into sedentary sloths. Winter's chill, scarce sunlight, and a calendar bursting at the seams with social commitments and travel plans turn us into the Olympic champions of couch-potato-ing, especially when the eggnog has done its magic.

Exercise can be a key way to combat the stress of the season.

If you already have an established fitness routine, keep up the great work. Just fyi, only walking doesn't count, because humans were designed to walk, move, run, jump, sprint, roll, and any other crazy shenanigans you can think of!

In the medical journal of Physical Activity and Health, the journal: Improving Mental Health through Physical Activity: A Narrative Literature Review states, unleashing your inner gym ninja and hitting the recommended levels of physical activity, as endorsed by the tag team champs at the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), isn't just about flexing those muscles.

Turns out, it's a superhero move against the evil trio of depression, stress, and anxiety – talk about breaking mental health records! Exercise neutralizes stress-causing hormones and by increasing dopamine receptors in the brain, allowing us to feel more joy.

Ah, the holidays, where everything feels like it's on a mission to squish you – physically and mentally! Whether it's contorting yourself in tight airplane seats or dodging personal space invaders at crowded parties, it's like a festive season of squeeze. Even your dear relatives throw in some backhanded compliments that can make your emotional space feel like it's on a crash diet or some intruding questions like my tia, "Y la novia mijo, your not getting any younger, just saying." LOL

But fear not! When the world's trying to make you feel like a human accordion, just hit back with a workout or a power move that tells your body, "I'm here, and I'm taking up space!" It's your antidote to the holiday squeeze!

Sculpting moments for the full-body, "reach-for-the-stars" stretchathon – because even a mere two to three minutes of this extravaganza is the secret weapon against feeling like a human origami project. Let's unfold those limbs and defy the tyranny of crampiness! Discover an expansive territory (preferably not your neighbor's garden) and embark on the adventure of a 15-min Pilates Workout! This delightful routine features moves strategically crafted to expand your body and elevate your happiness levels. Get ready for a session of reaching for the stars, and ZEN-ing into joy like you just found out dessert is on the house!

Summon your inner superhero and take a plunge into the wild world of workouts you've never dared to befriend! Brace yourself, because today, bravery comes in the form of trying a workout that even your gym equipment hasn't heard of yet. Let the fearless fitness escapade begin with this instead

No matter if you're finding your ZEN with Pilates or attempting to embrace your animalistic side :) , dedicating some time to wiggle that body of yours this season is like getting a prescription for a mega-dose of festive cheer. It's the holiday hack your body and soul didn't know they needed!

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