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The Silent Symphony of the Mind: Navigating the Depths of Unconscious Thought

In the journey of self-discovery, we all encounter repetitive thoughts that can either become beautiful anecdotes or silently undermine our potential. Today, let's dive into the profound realm of unconscious thought, transcending understanding, and share experiences from the realms of patients, clients, athletes, and personal growth.

When faced with repetitive negative thoughts about self-worth and love, where do we begin the transformative shift? Recognize that the thoughts we entertain daily have the potential to evolve into beliefs, shaping our reality. To instigate change, we must first become aware of these unconscious thoughts.

Allow me to share a personal story. In my youth, a simple morning ritual from a Men's Breakfast prayer group planted a seed of positivity once a month. My pastor at the time would go around in the church van and pick up those who didn't have a ride. I would be one of these boys. I would mostly be the first one to get picked up because I lived the furthest from the church. I’d jump into the shotgun seat and he’d belt out, “Randy man you are great, God has a great plan for you.” Despite initially brushing off affirmations from my pastor, the impact lingered because I wasn't ready to accept that conscious thought and convert it to an unconscious that I wholeheartedly believed. Overcoming years of self-doubt, I realized that unconscious thoughts don't necessarily reflect reality.

Unchecked negative thoughts, when accepted without analysis, lead to repetitive choices, behaviors, and experiences. Breaking this cycle requires making unconscious beliefs conscious. Confronting these thoughts may induce discomfort, as it interrupts ingrained habits seeking familiar emotions.

Consider this journey as leaving the spectator's seat and stepping onto the playing field. Change prompts uncertainty, but embracing discomfort is crucial. To break free, question the validity of unconscious thoughts and strategically create affirmations that combat negativity.

Making up your mind to change involves becoming acutely conscious of unconscious thoughts, preventing them from controlling your actions. This marks the reconditioning of the body and mind, transitioning from autopilot to intentional living. Install empowering thoughts, such as "you are worthy of healing and love," to reprogram your thinking.

Now, how does this intertwine with mental resilience and fitness? Begin by envisioning how you want to approach workouts, coaching sessions, or exercises. Mental rehearsal, backed by research, shows that the brain can't distinguish between real and imagined experiences. By consistently reinforcing positive thoughts, you wire your brain to align behavior with intentions.

In the realm of fitness, consistency is the key to daily practice, fostering significant biological changes. Believe in a new future by consciously installing empowering beliefs into your unconscious circuitry. Don't wait for life to change; change your life by consciously becoming worthy, creating abundance, and embracing an elevated emotional state.

From elite athletes to those battling health challenges, the consistent practice of daily empowerment leads to profound transformations. Your body believes in the potential of a new future when you consciously shape your unconscious beliefs. Embrace the journey of transformation and unlock the power within you.

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