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Number 1 SECRET in Weight Loss Most Fail to Do

Every time I walk into the gym I see a quote on the wall, in bold large print, "Inspiration is for amateurs. For the rest of us we understand we just have to show up and do work." So you're probably asking what does this have to do with the the 1 secret that super seeds the rest. As an fitness science consultant I always hear from either patients or clients I've tried this diet, Im currently on, or they met their demise quitting their health and fitness all-together.

You have to understand how the body responds to weight loss thus making it difficult to maintain progress once you started. Secret to weight loss is not whole30 diet, keto diet, paleo diet, south beach diet, whatever diet you can think of. The secret is not the amount of time you spend in the gym whether its 1, 2, 3, 4 hours. You don’t have to spend hours in a gym or force yourself into monotonous or painful activities you hate experiencing. A little exercise is better than nothing at all. In fact, adding just modest amounts of physical activity to your weekly routine can have a profound effect on your mental and emotional health. Overall, healthy eating and increased physical activity are important which many can make a case it super seeds to be the number one.

However, it may not be enough to keep the weight off.

I get it, weight management is a tug-of-war situation. You got to understand after shedding weight, the body attempts to gain it back. On team weight loss you have a decrease in calories and increase in physical activity VERSUS team weight gain: decrease in metabolism, increase in hunger hormones, and decrease in fullness hormones.

In the state of weight loss metabolism slows down and gets more efficient, requiring fewer calories to do its job. Hormonal signals are altered, along with increases a hunger hormone, Gherlin hormone, that attempts to get you to consume more calories. In addition the brains hormone of, the "feeling full" signal, decrease. These the common factors that make weight gain or regain common.

All day, your nervous system, which includes the brain, receives signals about your appetite from hormones that come from different parts of your body, like the stomach, intestines, and fat tissue. Both the brain and these appetite hormones contribute to what, why, and how much you eat. When hungry the brain responds to appetite hormones saying you need energy sometimes even when you don't. When its pleasure, you"re not even hungry and signals are sent to the brain to eat. For people trying to lose weight and maintain it, changes in these hormones after weight loss can make things tricky.

That's because after you lose weight by eating fewer calories, your levels of appetite hormones can change. An increase in the hunger hormone, Ghrelin, and a decrease in hormones that help you "feel full," including peptide YY (PYY), cholecystokinin (CCK), glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), amylin, insulin, and leptin, may signal your brain to cause you to eat more thus contribute to weight regain. Maintaining a healthy weight is difficult because how the body responds to weight loss.

I can give you the tricks of the trade or sell you an aide in weight loss and maintaining but the NUMBER 1 secret to this complex system we inhabit is CONSISTENCY. Being consistent in whatever you begin or start. Be consistent in moving, hence exercising and be consistent in eating with moderation, no diets needed but eating with a soluble mind gets you to weight loss and KEEPING IT OFF. It wont be easy but it is possible. In fact, only 1 in 10 people is able to keep weight off for more than 1 year. Partnering with your a professional in health and fitness may help you achieve success. If you do not have someone then my services are available either in-training or virtual training once a fitness assessment is establishment to determine where your physical fitness stands. In good health I wish you prosperity and success.

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